Club Development Survey 2024

Let us know what you think

Add your name and email and you will be entered in to our £50 prize draw!

We try and shape the club as our memebrs see fit, withing reason understandably. If you have any thoughts, please share them so that we can discuss specifically when other members share similar thoughts and recomendations.

01 - What inspired you to join the club?
02 - What activities do you enjoy?
03 - What activities/opportunities would you like to see more of at the club?
04 - What should we stop doing?
05 - What should the club do more?
06 - What are the club's successes in the last 5 years?
07 - What can we do to encourage more people to be part of our boating community?
08 - How social is our club?
09 - How should we attract new members?
10 - How would you rate your sailing skill level? Novice, Intermediate, Proficient, or Advanced
11 - How can we help you develop your sailing?
12 - Any other comments you would like to make?

You can send this form anonymously or you can add your details and we'll provide a response once reviewed.

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